Black and White Photography

Students looked at photographing objects and editing in black and white. They started by taking some older photos and practicing editing skills, then moved on to composing new photographs with the idea of black and white in mind.



After students worked with light, we talked about how light and color can affect the mood of a photograph. We practiced some of these techniques to create different moods and emotions. Not all students turn in images to blog and some photos feature students so we choose not to post them.

The Start of a New School Year

This school year has brought some changes – back to an 8 period schedule, new staff and administration, and a new group of students for photography class.  Starting a new class means we work on file management and file sharing; learning how to save files from sd cards, Apple devices and Chrome devices to learning Google Classroom, Google Photos, and Adobe Lightroom downloading! It’s a busy and chaotic time for the start of the year. The first assignment we will post is a sampling of Light – angles of light, types of light, and some creative uses of light.